The Savvy Caregiver Educational Program
The Savvy Caregiver
The Savvy Caregiver is a free six-session educational training for active family caregivers of people living with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related diseases.
Caring for a person living with Alzheimer’s or related dementia is specialized work. To do this successfully, caregivers need special skills, knowledge, good self-care, and a positive attitude. This six-session course provides caregivers with the skills and knowledge they need to provide the highest level of care for loved ones, as well as for themselves.
The 6 week program covers:
The pathology of dementia diseases
Strategies for caregiver self-care
Dementia stages
Developing contented involvement for someone with dementia
How to recognize options to optimize decision making
Making the most of family resources
Classes run at each location for six consecutive weeks unless otherwise noted.
Free respite care available during class hours.